
Showing posts from November, 2018

Differences between Ignore (~) vs Never(^) consolidation properties

Let us discuss about what are the differences  between ignore and never consolidation .       Ignore consolidation :              When you set any member in the Database outline as Ign ore(~), that means Essbase does not consider that member value into its parent level in aggregation/rollup.        Let us discuss with an example:          From the above figures, we came to notice that, under Account dimension, I had given "No account"  as child with a consolidation property as  "ignore".  Now you can see the difference in aggregation. From the aggregated result you can see that, value of "No account" is aggregated to "Period" dimension but not to "Account" dimension (i.e.., No Account -> period =100+200=300 and No Account -> Account =300 only). Because we set "No Account" is considered as ignore.So that we can say that, if a member is...